Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Nova Science Now: Asteroid

All of us sometimes don't care about what is around us, but it is happening. One of them is ASTEROID.
According to the video, the scientist want to show us about a real situation, that they afraid it will happened again: ASTERROID.

65 milion years ago, an asteroid hit the earth and put the end to dinosaurs. Now, when the solar system, which the sun is in the middle and the starts go around by orbit, get problem. It means that the start once day hit together and is broken. Pieces from that accident will go to the earth and maybe make another 100 nuclear bombs at the same time disaster for human being. About 80-90% people on the earth will disappere in 2029 if this accident happen.

Scientists suggest 2 solution but it seems hard to do: First one is using nuclear power break the asteroid. This way maybe a big trouble because we don't have enough information about this asteroid and we wonder if it gets worse. And another way is using graviy machine to change the asteroid's obit.

Anyway, that is a big problem for not only scientist, but also for us. We don't want to be died at that day. We love our life. I hope scientist will find ways to solve this.

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